16 research outputs found

    Evaluation of criteria of trypanotolerance

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    Evaluates teh criteria for trypanotolerance including three related characterstics, v.z. the ability to control parasitaemia, the ability to control anaemia, and the ability to develop an effective immune response

    Un mélèze fossile dans le sud de la Chartreuse

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    Abstract. — A flattened larch trunk has been found in sands lying in the middle of the Quaix-Proveysieux cirque, 485 m above sea level, on the Southern side of the Chartreuse massif. From the sedimentological data its deposition can be placed during the recessional fluctuations of the local glacier, after an important erosive phase. Radiocarbon age (> 35.000 years) places these fluctuations during the Wurmian II, before the Wurmian II-III Interstage. The presence of these loose sediments at the center of the small valley rules out a new important glaciation, as they would otherwise have been scraped off; therefore, the Wurmian glacial maximum should antedate the Wurmian III in this part of the Alps.Résumé. — Un tronc de mélèze aplati a été trouvé dans des sables placés au centre du cirque de Quaix-Proveysieux, à 485 m d'altitude, sur le versant méridional de la Chartreuse. La sédimentologie permet de concevoir son dépôt au cours des oscillations de retrait du glacier local, après une phase érosive importante. L'âge, donné par le radiocarbone (> 35 000 ans) autorise à placer ces oscillations au cours du Wurm II, avant l'Interstade Wurm II-III. La présence de ces sédiments meubles au centre du vallon exclut la possibilité du retour d'une importante glaciation qui en aurait effacé les traces; donc le maximum glaciaire wurmien serait antérieur au Wurm III dans cette partie des Alpes.Bocquet A., Colardelle M., Evin Jacques, Rochette P., Uselle J.-P. Un mélèze fossile dans le sud de la Chartreuse. In: Revue de géographie alpine, tome 61, n°4, 1973. pp. 571-582

    Glossina fusca group tsetse as vectors of cattle trypanosomiasis in Gabon and Zaire

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    The significance of Glossina fusca group tsetse flies as vectors of cattle trypanosomiasis was examined using biconical traps to survey tsetse populations at one site in Gabon and two sites in Zaire. Mean trypanosome infection rates in G. tabaniformis Westwood over the study period ranged from 8.9 - 17.7 percent at the two sites. The mean infection rate in G. nashi Potts was 6 percent. Up to 49 percent of bloodmeals of G. tabaniformis were from cattle. Trypanosome prevalence in cattle where G. tabaniformis appeared to be the main vector was 9.5 percent and 5.4 percent at the Mushie and OGAPROV ranches respectively. A highly significant positive correlation was found between tsetse challenge and trypanosome prevalence in N'Dama cattle across sites. Tsetse challenge was defined as the product of tsetse relative densities, trypanosome infection rates in the flies and the proportion of feeds taken by them from cattle. Thus G. tabaniformis can be an important vector of pathogenic Trypanosoma species in cattle

    Health and productivity of trypanotolerant and susceptible cattle exposed to trypanosomiasis in Gabon and the impact of strategic chemoprophylaxis

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    Studies the health and performance of two strains trypanotolerant N'Dama cattle, susceptible Nguni cattle and their crosses over a three-year period, 1983-1985, at OGAPROV ranch in Gabon; presents the influences of breed and animal age on the prevolence, species and intensity of trypanosome parasitaemia; and estimates the effects of trypanosome infection and breed and cow locatational status on the {PCV and reproductive performance

    Relationships between tsetse challenge and trypanosome prevalence in trypanotolerant and susceptible cattle

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    Reports results of a study on the relationships between tsetse challenge and trypanosome prevalence in trypanotolerant and susceptible breeds of cattle. Presents data on tsetse challenge and trypanosome prevalence in N'Dama and Zebu cattle in Zaire, Gabon, Ethiopia and Cote d'Ivoire

    Tsetse feeding habits and tsetse challenge at sites of the African Trypanotolerant Livestock Network

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    Reports the feeding preferences of Glossina species at sites of the African Trypanotolerant Livestock Network. Estimates tsetse challenge and relates the results with trypanosome prevalence in cattle. Examines the relationship between tsetse challenge using linear regression analysis. Also examines the difference between the slopes of the regression lines obtained for trypanotolerant and susceptible cattle using a 't-test'

    Olmesartan-associated enteropathy: results of a national survey

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, a new enteropathy has been described: olmesartan-associated enteropathy. However, the association has been questioned: a phase 3 trial and a cohort study found no association between gastrointestinal events and olmesartan. AIM: To collect French cases of sartan-associated enteropathy to describe further this entity, confirm or refute causality, and determine if the association exists with other sartans. METHODS: French gastroenterologists were invited to report cases of sartan-associated enteropathy and collect clinical, biological and histological data. Patients with diarrhoea and histological duodenal abnormalities were included. RESULTS: Thirty-six patients with olmesartan-associated enteropathy were reported, including 32 with villous atrophy and four without. There was only one patient with irbesartan-associated enteropathy. None of the patients died. Patients with villous atrophy had diarrhoea, vomiting, renal failure, hypokalaemia, body weight loss and hypoalbuminaemia. Thirty-one patients were hospitalised; four required intensive care. Anti-transglutaminase and anti-enterocyte antibodies were negative; anti-nuclear antibodies were positive (9/11). Endoscopic duodenal biopsies showed villous atrophy (32/32) and polyclonal intra-epithelial CD3+CD8+ lymphocytosis (11/11). Exactly, 14/15 patients responded to steroids and/or immunosuppressants, prescribed because of suspected autoimmune enteropathy. Ten olmesartan interruptions were followed by reintroductions before steroids or immunosuppressants. Interruptions were followed by remissions (9/10), but reintroductions were followed by relapses (9/9). Twenty-nine patients were in remission since olmesartan interruption, including 26 without immunosuppressants. Patients with normal villi had similar clinical characteristics, but mild histological abnormalities (intra-epithelial lymphocytosis and lamina propria lymphocytic infiltration). CONCLUSIONS: Olmesartan causes a severe and immune-mediated enteropathy, with or without villous atrophy. Enteropathy associated with other sartans seems to be very rare

    Genetic and environmental factors affecting trypanosome prevalence and parasitaemia in livestock

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    Presents results of a consolidated study on genetic and environmental factors affecting trypanosome prevalence and parasitaemia in livestock from the ten sites of the African Trypanotolerance Network. Includes data on prevalence in sheep, goats and cattle, prevalence in three age classes of cattle, sheep, prevalence of female physiological-status classes in cattle, prevalence when gestating and not gestating